ExtJS 6 : Multiline cell within a grid

In one app, some messages were displayed into a grid, quite a common stuff.
However, long messages were stripped and I needed to display the whole message.

Here is the approach:
1) Add the following style to your css/scss

.multiline-row {
  overflow: auto !important;
  white-space: normal !important;
  text-overflow: ellipsis;
  display: block;

2) Define a rendered for the multiline cell. For example, here is my column declaration ( I prefer to use a span instead of a div )

, columns: [
            xtype: 'gridcolumn', align: 'left'
            , dataIndex: 'message_content', flex: 3, text: 'Msg'
            , renderer: function (value, metaData, record, rowIndex) {
                return '' + value + '';

And that’s pretty all!

ExtJS 5/6 : FileField/FileUploadFile : reading data


I have a “filefield” or “fileuploadfield” in ExtJS, and I’d like to read directly its content directly into the browser, when user selects a file.

It is useful when you’d like to display an image for example, as soon as the user selects it.

How To Proceed

First of all, you need to declare the “filefield” with a listener on “change” event. For example:

    xtype: 'filefield'
    ,fieldLabel: "File: "
    ,labelWidth: 70
    ,anchor: '100%'
    ,buttonOnly: true // hide text field below button
    ,buttonText: "Select a picture"
    ,listeners: {
        'change':  'onMediaChange'

and in the Controller, the handler:

onMediaChange: function(widget, value, eOpts ) {
  var files = event.target.files
      self = this; // the controller
  if (!files || files.length == 0) return; // make sure we got something
  // Let's read content as file
  var reader = new FileReader();
  reader.onload = function (e) {
    // image content is in e.target.result
    // we can then put it into img.src, for example

and that’s it!

ExtJS 5/6 : Alert Message (kind of Android Toast/Bootstrap Alert)

In ExtJS KitchenSink example, Sencha provides/uses an alert message, sliding from top, then sliding out.

This kind of temporary message is always useful to popup some alerts/informations for example.

After having a look on Sencha Ext.example.msg, I made couple of improvements using Bootstrap 3.x alert’s ideas.

So, this “temporay message box” slides from top, stays “delays” seconds, then slides out. There are 5 different classes (default, success, info, danger, warning) like in Bootstrap alerts (color are roughly identical). Here is a look of each:

ExtJS Alert/Toast messages with different classes
ExtJS Alert/Toast messages with different classes

The code (js and scss) is available on GitHub: My GitHub Repo

ExtJS 5/6 : Grid’s RowEditing Locale & Options

Within a Grid, RowEditing plugin is convenient to edit values directly. However, Locale (l10n, i18n) is  (sometimes) a mess with ExtJS 5 or 6, and that’s still the case with RowEditing.

However, one very simple way to solve this is to override button labels/messages while declaring/configuring the plugin:

    extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel'
    ,requires: [
    ,plugins: [
            ptype: 'rowediting',
            clicksToEdit: 2,  
            disabled: false, // disable RowEditing, tgrough binding for example
            saveBtnText: i18n('global.update'), // label for update/save btn
            cancelBtnText: i18n('global.cancel') // label for cancel btn
            errorsText: 'Errors', // errors text dirtyText: 'You need to commit or cancel...' // if record is dirty 
    ] /* ... */ });

And that’s all !!!  You could notice that I also declare “disabled” field as I bind it to enable/disable RowEditing plugin on the fly (for example, based on user profile).

For example, in the following screenshot, buttons are in french:

ExtJS Grid Row Editing in French
ExtJS Grid Row Editing in French

ExtJS 6 – Router improvements


With ExtJS 5.x, I was not convinced by the “Router” part of the framework. It was quite a mess, and implemented through Mixins. I remembered having a deep look on Saki example.

In ExtJS 6, the Router implementation is really a good step ahead, and remembers me the one I used in AngularJs. Sencha has made a detailed article over there.

Quick Summary

  1. Put the default route in your Application declaration. Example:
    defaultToken : 'home', // default route
  2. Defined routes with your Controller :
    routes : { 
      'users': 'onUsers',
      'user/:id' : 'onUser'
    onUsers : function() {
    onUser : function(id) {
  3. Update/Change route within Controller (here “this” is the controller)
    this.redirectTo('user/1234', true); // redirect

You can also setup some masks on route parameters and have BeforeRoute function (see Sencha doc for more details).

Multiple Routes

Finally, one point : ExtJs 6 supports multiple routes (routes pipe), with a route separator “|” (which could be changed): in that case, each route is handled sequentially by its order of appearance.

Reference: Sencha’s ExtJS 6 : Router


In ExtJS 6, Router is in line with AngularJS’ one and is a big step ahead since ExtJS5.x.

ExtJS : Accessing Application from anywhere

In ExtJS, “Application” is handling and containing a lot of stuff. Among other things, useful getters are:

  • getStore(‘store_name’) : retrieve a store
  • getRoutes()  : get Routes

How to retrieve current Application?

In fact, is is really simple. Let’s imagine that your App namespace is ‘MyApp’; then it can be retrieve using:


Update (March 13th): you can also use


ExtJS 5/6 : localization / i18n / l10n


This post is an update of previous one : https://abarre.wordpress.com/2015/09/29/extjs-5-and-localization/

Project files are now hosted on GitHub : GitHub “extjs-i8n-lang” Project


This approach is very simple:

  1. Create a ‘Lang’ class
  2. Add languages string based on a ‘yaml/json’ tree approach
  3. Create some shortcuts
  4. Add you ‘Lang’ class in ExtJS’s Application requires section
  5. Use it

The ‘Lang’ class template

    singleton : true

    ,config : {
        currentLang : null,
        defaultLang : 'us'

    ,getStrings: function(lang) {
        if (!lang || !Ext.isDefined(this.strings[lang]))
        if (Ext.isString(this.strings[lang])) // got an aliase
            lang = this.strings[lang];
        return Ext.isDefined(this.strings[lang])
                ? this.strings[lang]
                : { };

    ,t : function(label, lang) {
        var path = label.toLowerCase().split('.'),
            p = this.getStrings(lang); // strings
        for (var i = 0; i<path.length; i++) {
            if (Ext.isDefined( p[ path[i] ]))
                p = p[ path[i] ];
            else return '<<' + label + '>>';
        return p;

    ,constructor : function(config) {
        if (!this.getCurrentLang())
            this.setCurrentLang( this.getDefaultLang());

    strings: {
        'us_US': {
            'hello_world': 'Hello World!',
            'map' : 'Map'
        'fr_FR': {
            'hello_world': 'Bonjour Le Monde!',
            'map' : 'Carte'
        'es_ES': {
            'hello_world': 'Ola el Mundo!',
            'map' : 'Carto.'
var i18n = function(label, lang) { return Lang.t(label, lang); };



ExtJS5 and Leaflet : Getting Started. Example with a “Desktop” window

Here is couple of lines on using Leaflet with ExtJS. The Leaflet widget I’ve been using is based on a GitHub project by  kazmiekr (@see Leaflet UX). Many thanks to that !!!


The setup is VERY easy. The only requirements are to add in index.html all the leaflet common requirements.


The Leaflet Map Widget

As I wrote it above, the code is widely based on kazmiekr work (@see Leaflet UX). Couple of improvements:

  • Multiple tiles providers support,
  • Use of OpenStreetMap instead of CloudMade as default map,
  • initMap function, called at the end of “afterrender” listener.
Ext.define('Ext.ux.LeafletMapView', {
    extend: 'Ext.Component'
    ,alias: 'widget.leafletmapview'

/* // Optional: add an additionnal controller 
   // with alias: controller.leaflet-map
,requires: [
   ,controller: 'leaflet-map'
        initialLocation: null,
        initialZoomLevel: null,
        map: null,
        layerControl: null,
        useCurrentLocation: false

// Description of tiles providers
        ,tiles: {
            osm: {
                title: 'OSM'
                ,url: 'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
                ,maxZoom: 18
                ,attribution: "OpenStreetmap"
            ,mapbox : {
                title: 'MapBox v4'
                ,url: 'http://{s}.tiles.mapbox.com/v4/mapbox.streets/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token={key}'
                ,maxZoom: 18
                ,key: "MAPBOX API KEY"
                ,attribution: '&copy; GGL/OSM'
        ,defaultTile: 'osm' // default tile provider
        ,initMap: function(map) {} // called afterRender

// Will be called by afterrender => add tiles selector
    ,initTiles: function(map) {
        var tiles = {}, list = this.getTiles();
        for(var i in list) {
            var t = list[i]
                ,tile = L.tileLayer(t.url, t);
            tiles[t.title] = tile;
            if (i == this.getDefaultTile()) // Add Default map..

        // Add Map Control
        var layerControl = L.control.layers(tiles, {});
        this.layerControl = layerControl;

// afterrender is called the 1st time the widget is created
    ,afterRender: function(t, eOpts){
        var leafletRef = window.L;
        if (leafletRef == null){
            this.update("No leaflet library loaded");
        } else {
            var map = L.map(this.getId());

            var initialLocation = this.getInitialLocation();
            var initialZoomLevel = this.getInitialZoomLevel();
            if (initialLocation && initialZoomLevel){
                map.setView(initialLocation, initialZoomLevel);
            } else {
            if (this.getUseCurrentLocation() == true){
                    setView: true

            if (Ext.isFunction(this.initMap)) {
                this.initMap(Ext.isDefined(this.scope) ? this.scope : this, map);

    /** Called on Element resize => invalidate map **/
    ,onResize: function(w, h, oW, oH){
        var map = this.getMap();
        if (map) map.invalidateSize();

Example : a Desktop window (with a Tree Panel on left)

Ext.define('Desktop.map.GlobalMapWindow', {
    extend: 'Ext.ux.desktop.Module',
    requires: [

    ,id: 'panel-map-global'
    ,title: "Window Title"
    ,iconCls: 'fa fa-globe' // font-awesome icon

    ,init : function(){
        this.launcher = { // start menu shortcut
            text: this.title
            ,iconCls: this.iconCls

    ,config : {
        mapWidget: null
        ,treeWidget : null
 * Create the Window
 * @returns {*}
,createWindow : function(){
    //GLC.Config.log.log(this.id, 'createWindow');
    var me = this,
        app = this.app
        ,desktop = app.getDesktop()
        ,win = desktop.getWindow( this.id );
    if(!win || win.isDestroyed){
        // reset internal object cache
        this.mapWidget = null;
        this.treeWidget = null;
        // create window
        win = desktop.createWindow({
            id: this.id,
            title: this.title,
            width: 740,
            height: 480,
            iconCls: this.iconCls,
            animCollapse: false,
            border: false,
            constrainHeader: true,
            layout: {
                type: 'border'
   ,items: [
    {  // Left Tree Panel
        xtype: 'treepanel'
        ,region: 'west'
        ,title: null
        ,itemId: 'treelayers'
        ,rootVisible: true
        ,split: true
        ,collapsible: true
        ,collapsed: false
        ,width: 200
        //,fields: ['name', 'description']
        ,columns: []
        ,listeners: { }
    } // eo TreePanel

   ,{ // The Map
                    xtype: 'leafletmapview'
                    ,region: 'center'
                    ,useCurrentLocation: true
                    ,itemId: 'map'
                    /* // in case I need an additionnal
                       //afterrender function
                    ,initMap: me.initMap
                    ,scope: me
    return win;

 * Get the Leaflet.Map component with LeafletMap Widget
 * @returns Leaflet.Map
,getMap: function() { // retrieve the map
    if (!this.mapWidget) this.mapWidget = Ext.ComponentQuery.query("#" + this.id + " > #map")[0];
    return this.mapWidget.getMap();

 * Get the PanelTree component
 * @returns Ext.tree.Panel
,getTreeWidget: function() {
    if (!this.treeWidget) this.treeWidget = Ext.ComponentQuery.query("#" + this.id + " > #treelayers")[0];
    return this.treeWidget;

}); // eo Desktop.map.GlobalMapWindow



ExtJS 5 : get a store from anywhere in your app

In the app I’m working on, I have multiple stores, and I need to get an access to any of them from anywhere.

There are multiple approaches: store (!) the Stores’list in a global variable or in an App variable, …

In fact, there is a much more simple way. When you declare your store, setup a “storeId” parameter.

  model: 'My.Model',
  storeId: 'my-model-store'

Then, to easily access this store from anywhere:

var store = Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup('my-model-store');

Let’s be honest : it is nothing more than a global variable and you can achieve the same easily; anyway, it conveniently rocks!