EJB: Inject a Singleton with @Startup



a @Singleton with @Startup bean. Example:

class StartupClass {
  public void myPublicMethod() { 
    // do something
  void onStart() { }

  void onStop() { }


with @Inject, I got a Wildfly dependency error:

"WELD-001408: Unsatisfied dependencies for type ..."

How to solve it?


Create an interface with @Local over @Singleton class

// Interface ...
interface StartupLocalInterface {
  public void myPublicMethod();

Declare the interface

class StartupClass implements StartupLocalInterface {
  public void myPublicMethod() { 
    // do something
  void onStart() { }

  void onStop() { }

1st approach

  1. see Common aboce
  2. @Inject the interface
    public class MyBean {
      // ...
      StartupLocalInterface startupClass;
      // ...

2nd approach

  1. see Common above
  2. On top of class StartupClass, add an @EJB declaration:
     @EJB(name="startupClass", beanInterface=StartupLocalInterface.class)
  3. use a context lookup
    try {
        Context ctx = new InitialContext();
        StartupLocalInterface t = 
          (StartupLocalInterface) ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/startupClass");
        // do the job...
    } catch (NamingException e) {