ExtJS5 and Leaflet : Getting Started. Example with a “Desktop” window

Here is couple of lines on using Leaflet with ExtJS. The Leaflet widget I’ve been using is based on a GitHub project by  kazmiekr (@see Leaflet UX). Many thanks to that !!!


The setup is VERY easy. The only requirements are to add in index.html all the leaflet common requirements.


The Leaflet Map Widget

As I wrote it above, the code is widely based on kazmiekr work (@see Leaflet UX). Couple of improvements:

  • Multiple tiles providers support,
  • Use of OpenStreetMap instead of CloudMade as default map,
  • initMap function, called at the end of “afterrender” listener.
Ext.define('Ext.ux.LeafletMapView', {
    extend: 'Ext.Component'
    ,alias: 'widget.leafletmapview'

/* // Optional: add an additionnal controller 
   // with alias: controller.leaflet-map
,requires: [
   ,controller: 'leaflet-map'
        initialLocation: null,
        initialZoomLevel: null,
        map: null,
        layerControl: null,
        useCurrentLocation: false

// Description of tiles providers
        ,tiles: {
            osm: {
                title: 'OSM'
                ,url: 'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
                ,maxZoom: 18
                ,attribution: "OpenStreetmap"
            ,mapbox : {
                title: 'MapBox v4'
                ,url: 'http://{s}.tiles.mapbox.com/v4/mapbox.streets/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token={key}'
                ,maxZoom: 18
                ,key: "MAPBOX API KEY"
                ,attribution: '© GGL/OSM'
        ,defaultTile: 'osm' // default tile provider
        ,initMap: function(map) {} // called afterRender

// Will be called by afterrender => add tiles selector
    ,initTiles: function(map) {
        var tiles = {}, list = this.getTiles();
        for(var i in list) {
            var t = list[i]
                ,tile = L.tileLayer(t.url, t);
            tiles[t.title] = tile;
            if (i == this.getDefaultTile()) // Add Default map..

        // Add Map Control
        var layerControl = L.control.layers(tiles, {});
        this.layerControl = layerControl;

// afterrender is called the 1st time the widget is created
    ,afterRender: function(t, eOpts){
        var leafletRef = window.L;
        if (leafletRef == null){
            this.update("No leaflet library loaded");
        } else {
            var map = L.map(this.getId());

            var initialLocation = this.getInitialLocation();
            var initialZoomLevel = this.getInitialZoomLevel();
            if (initialLocation && initialZoomLevel){
                map.setView(initialLocation, initialZoomLevel);
            } else {
            if (this.getUseCurrentLocation() == true){
                    setView: true

            if (Ext.isFunction(this.initMap)) {
                this.initMap(Ext.isDefined(this.scope) ? this.scope : this, map);

    /** Called on Element resize => invalidate map **/
    ,onResize: function(w, h, oW, oH){
        var map = this.getMap();
        if (map) map.invalidateSize();

Example : a Desktop window (with a Tree Panel on left)

Ext.define('Desktop.map.GlobalMapWindow', {
    extend: 'Ext.ux.desktop.Module',
    requires: [

    ,id: 'panel-map-global'
    ,title: "Window Title"
    ,iconCls: 'fa fa-globe' // font-awesome icon

    ,init : function(){
        this.launcher = { // start menu shortcut
            text: this.title
            ,iconCls: this.iconCls

    ,config : {
        mapWidget: null
        ,treeWidget : null
 * Create the Window
 * @returns {*}
,createWindow : function(){
    //GLC.Config.log.log(this.id, 'createWindow');
    var me = this,
        app = this.app
        ,desktop = app.getDesktop()
        ,win = desktop.getWindow( this.id );
    if(!win || win.isDestroyed){
        // reset internal object cache
        this.mapWidget = null;
        this.treeWidget = null;
        // create window
        win = desktop.createWindow({
            id: this.id,
            title: this.title,
            width: 740,
            height: 480,
            iconCls: this.iconCls,
            animCollapse: false,
            border: false,
            constrainHeader: true,
            layout: {
                type: 'border'
   ,items: [
    {  // Left Tree Panel
        xtype: 'treepanel'
        ,region: 'west'
        ,title: null
        ,itemId: 'treelayers'
        ,rootVisible: true
        ,split: true
        ,collapsible: true
        ,collapsed: false
        ,width: 200
        //,fields: ['name', 'description']
        ,columns: []
        ,listeners: { }
    } // eo TreePanel

   ,{ // The Map
                    xtype: 'leafletmapview'
                    ,region: 'center'
                    ,useCurrentLocation: true
                    ,itemId: 'map'
                    /* // in case I need an additionnal
                       //afterrender function
                    ,initMap: me.initMap
                    ,scope: me
    return win;

 * Get the Leaflet.Map component with LeafletMap Widget
 * @returns Leaflet.Map
,getMap: function() { // retrieve the map
    if (!this.mapWidget) this.mapWidget = Ext.ComponentQuery.query("#" + this.id + " > #map")[0];
    return this.mapWidget.getMap();

 * Get the PanelTree component
 * @returns Ext.tree.Panel
,getTreeWidget: function() {
    if (!this.treeWidget) this.treeWidget = Ext.ComponentQuery.query("#" + this.id + " > #treelayers")[0];
    return this.treeWidget;

}); // eo Desktop.map.GlobalMapWindow



ExtJS 5/6 : Right Click/Context Menu in a Grid/Tree Panel

Recently, I added a “contextmenu” to my tree panel (same stuff form grid panel in fact), especially on item right click.

The implementation is very easy : just add a “itemcontextmenu” listener


    // my panel manages some layers on a map
    xtype: 'treepanel'
    ,region: 'west'
    ,title: 'Layers' // 

    ,listeners: {
        scope: me
       ,itemcontextmenu: function(tree, record, item, index, e, eOpts ) {
          // Optimize : create menu once
          var menu_grid = new Ext.menu.Menu({ items:
                { text: 'More details', handler: function() {console.log("More details");} },
                { text: 'Delete', handler: function() {console.log("Delete");} }
          var position = e.getXY();

And… it works. But, there is ONE issue: when used on a “desktop” webapp, the context menu isn’t always hidden when use clicks outside. It happens only when the mouse never hovers the context menu.

To solve this issue very easily, I change the contextmenu show position

    // my panel manages some layers on a map
    xtype: 'treepanel'
    ,region: 'west'
    ,title: 'Layers' // 

    ,listeners: {
        scope: me
       ,itemcontextmenu: function(tree, record, item, index, e, eOpts ) {
          // Optimize : create menu once
          var menu_grid = new Ext.menu.Menu({ items:
                { text: 'More details', handler: function() {console.log("More details");} },
                { text: 'Delete', handler: function() {console.log("Delete");} }
          var position = [e.getX()-10, e.getY()-10];