Odoo 11 on Docker

For quite a while, I’ve been a big fan of Docker, and especially docker-compose. I’ve put mostly all my projects into a “docker”, from development to production.

Recently, I’ve been interested by Odoo 11 (I think I’ve almost installed all the versions since openerp 5.x). I managed to easily deploy Odoo 11 official docker image (https://hub.docker.com/_/odoo/), but I got an error as soon as I switched to French langage. I don’t understand why Odoo didn’t manage to update their official Odoo 11 docker image as it is not even ready for development or testing.

So, it took me, let’s say, 2 minutes, to build my own Dockerfile based on latest Odoo 11 nighty build. To pull it:
docker push gesloc/odoo11:latest

My repo is public and Odoo 11 build is under: gesloc/odoo11:latest

Here is an example for docker-compose (replace “.” by ” “)

version: '2'
....image: gesloc/odoo11:latest
......- db
......- "8069:8069"
....image: postgres:latest
......- POSTGRES_USER=odoo
......- PGDATA=/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata

Right now, the core image is based on debian:stretch.
Soon, I’ll do the Dockerfile based on Alpine

Note: Github with Odoo Dockers’s

EDIT (Nov 23rd): it is now available on Odoo Docker (but Odoo 8 disappears)

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